
56, Female

Buda, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Buda, Texas
About Me:
Hello, I am Carol. I have been married 24 years, have four children, 3 of which are grown. I have 2 son's in the Marines, with one in Iraq. A daughter that is married with our beautiful granddaughter Gracie that has just turned one. Then I have a 15 year old son still at home. We got Desi for my remaining son at home as he was begging for a dog; however he ignores Desi pretty much so Desi has become my little shadow. I have never been a dog person but Desi has changed all that. She is such a character, she has me laughing all the time. She's been great for me because she loves her walks so much she makes me get out and exercise. I am totally smitten with her.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Desi is is 8 months old. She is so much fun to have around and she is so smart. She is so very smart and easy to train. I swear she knows every word I say. She loves herding and playing with my five cats. They have come to love her too in their own way. We take her everywhere that we can to her socially used to evry situation. I am thinking about making her a therapy dog because she just loves everyone and she has such a gentle soul.
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