Annie Hsu


Diamond Bar, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
wishing to meet more ppl with corgis round my area..
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
2 yr old male pembroke named miko
I have:

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  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Thank you for the comment! For some reason under the couch is his go-to spot for hiding and naps. I guess he thinks its his den!
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Haha! That is so funny... I saw the picture of his little butt sticking out, its too cute. We were really hoping that Buddy would outgrow being able to fit under the couch, but he still manages to make like a pancake and squeeze under there from time to time. He's only 7 months old so we have a little growing left to do.
  • Kevin and Buddy!

    Yeah I think they look a like too. We haven't weighed Buddy in a while but I would like to think hes in the low to mid 20's right now.