
33, Female

Tulsa, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Tulsa, OK
About Me:
18 years old, taking a year off before college. Absolutely love dogs, I had a yorkshire terrier named Toto for 11 years, she was my best friend and unfortunately this summer when I was interning in Brasil, she ran away, and I believe she was stolen because she always always came back, I just pray whoever has her treats her as well as I did. :]
About My Corgi(s):
9-week old male pup named Gonzo, the cutest thing in the world, my first Corgi. I love him so much already!

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  • Madog

    Enjoy tiny because they become devil spawn soon enough. I love his spot. :)
  • Nancy Liu

    Hi and welcome to Corgis for McCain/Palin - I think you make us 25 member strong, now equal to the 25 members of the ObamaCorgis - I'm actually not counting dog - VOTES ARE WHAT COUNTS!
  • Butter

    Hi, little Gonzo is adorable!!! Joy and Butter