
Jersey City, NJ

United States

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jersey city
About Me:
Lost my first rescue corgi year and a half ago. Rescued a second last year and have been running "remedial education classes for institutionalized corgis" ever since.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Angus was thrown away by a puppy mill breeder at age 2. Then he didn't know that dogs had names. Actually he didn't know a lot of important dog things. Over the past year, he's learned he's got a name, how to climb stairs, what dog toys are, toddlers and strollers aren't dangerous, and much much more.
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Every dog is different..just like we are. Some of mine are easier keepers then others. Some are more active then others. As far as the hips go...hip dysplasia isn't as black and white as some of the other DNA genetic testing out there. If you have a dog that is mild to moderate dysplasia and bred to a real good hipped dog then they might never produce a hip dysplastic dog. You can have 2 OFA'ed hipped dogs and get a dysplastic pup but your chances of that are slim. Its not as sound proof or 100% guarantee. Not to mention..Corgis hips are different then other dogs because they are a true dwarf and some feel they need that more luxation for good movement and this is why many are turning to the PennHip evaluation instead of OFA. OFA grades against GSD where PennHip grades against its own peers. Also...many vets can look at radiographs and think a dog is dysplastic but you send them into a radiologist or OFA and they get passed with fair to good hips. Are you sure his pain is within the hip area and not the stifle or hock..could it be a back problem?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    They keep them very occupied! I would agree that he needs to drop just a few more pounds but isn't grossly overweight and this does need to be done some what slowly not to upset him. His picture of his back legs out to the side is weird...none of mine have ever done that. Not that it couldn't happen but never seen that. That really seems uncomfortable but to him obviously feels pretty good if he does it all the time. Maybe with the sockets not correctly proportioned this is better for him. There is stem cell therapy that really helps with dogs and hip dysplasia but its costly. Not sure what lengths you'd like to go with him.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Your biggest maintenance is weight and adding a supplement to keep joints and synovial fluid healthy and lubricated and if with MSM, that reduces swelling and pain some as well. I wish you the best and remember to warm up and cool down with exercise. When my Akita was having all kinds of issues near a yr old the vet wanted her to be on complete rest which I thought was absurd since she needed strengthening for a pup and he had also suggested surgery..well that ain't happenin on large bred dog at a yr old when they are still growing so I started just jogging her..making her extend her gait to strengthen but on low impact workout by what we call hacking in horses. My husband put on roller blades and would have her do an extended jog but would not allow her to break into a run. It worked. I'm sure as she got older she may of had issues but for the time being she was strong in the backend and was coming up lame or screaming in the middle of the night because of a cramp. They need to move..not meant to lay around all day. Helps them to develop properly and yes my Akita was a puppy mill or should say substandard kennel dog so you know they did not get exercised like they should.