

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

Lake Arrowhead, California
About Me:
Dewey is my first Corgi. He is like my child. I love him more than I have ever loved any animal in my entire life. I pray that he lives for many happy years to come. Dewey is also my service dog. He helps me with my asthma. He calms me down. The asthma attacks either lessen or go away.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dewey (AKC name: South Havens Dewey Love) is 4 years old (born on November 18, 2007). He has personality plus. He is sable & white with a long sable color heart on his back leg. Dewey loves long walks, playing ball, visiting his friends and family. Dewey means poet in the Welsh language. He doesn't write poetry, but I do.
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  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    i wish you would bring Dewey to play, Carly gets a little overwhelmed and starts nipping  with the bigger dogs.. not a good thing!!  She looks for one her size , but sometimes they are not
  • wasabi

    Thanks for the friend request!
  • Lisa and Mousse

    Would love to join your group!  Only problem is that we won't make very good playmates as we are only in cc maybe once a year :(. But I'll let you know when we get back to cc!