Ina & Scootie"


Hollywood, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Hollywood Florida
About Me:
I am the mother of 4 grown daughters and one special son “Scootie” my Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I also have 4 grandsons all living in Florida; I have a home office so I am mostly home spending time with my favorite child; the short furry one who never asks for money or food or insults me. I am a Agent/Broker/Consultant for Group Health Insurance for Florida small business 2-25 employees and also Family and Individual Health plans in the Broward, Miami & Palm Beach area. We got Scootie at 12 weeks old from a farm in Gainesville, FL, June 21st...Scootie is for sure my BFF he takes his responsibility of protecting me very seriously and spends most of his time very near me. Of course he usually does it sprawled on the floor with his legs in the air and eyes closed, but if he hears the least foreign sound or just say the word "walk" he's on the alert in an instant! Scootie is definitely a lover, not a fighter and has decided that all humans were put on this earth to give him a little scratch and love him. I could go on forever telling you how perfect my Scootie is in every way except one’ he sheds like crazy…So even with that one little fault he is a keeper for sure….
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My name is Scooter but my Mom affectionately calls me :Scootie"
I have:

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  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Glad to hear everything went well with Scootie!! I hope you are both doing well!! Give him kisses from Dyddy, Libby, Carlos, Xavier and myself!!!

  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    How is Scootie doing today??

  • Lois B. Allen

    He is handsome whether small or large.  Handsome/beautiful face.