Ivy & Bryson

Profile Information:

San Francisco Bay Area, CA
About Me:
My husband and I are first time dog owners, and ever since we laid eyes on one of our friend's corgi, we know we've gotta have our own!

We found Bryson from a breeder who just retired him from showing after he won his championship (his puppies didn't quite fit show standards so his career as a stud was over as well). They were going to sell him to Japan to continue his show life, but decided (to our luck) that he'll probably be better off being someone's pet. And the rest is history as they say. :)
About My Corgi(s):
Hi! I'm Bryson. I'm an only child and some say I'm spoiled rotten, which I absolutely am not. I enjoy eating, napping, taking rally classes, going on hikes with mommy and daddy, and hanging out with my buddy Picasso, also a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratulations on the upcoming birth!!!! How exciting, looking forward to seeing pictures. Love the baby blankets!!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Hello from Nevada!! How are things going in the Bay? Are you tired of playing the waiting game yet? How all is going well.
    How is Bryson feeling these days? Is all going well with the AD? I know you are to busy to think about this now but I just ordered Scooter a new collar tag. It is red and on one side it has the medical symbol and Addison's Disease on the other side you can have 4 lines. I had NEEDS DAILY MEDS * Scooter Dallaire * MY name and cell # *her vet's Name and number. Being red it really shows up on her white fur. The best past was it was $5.00 and free shipping and I had it in 6 day with the holiday in there.
    Scooter has a mircochip. I also went in to her records and added she has Addison's and needs daily meds.
    This was all stuff I had not thought about until I was reading posting on ADogs. Here is the website I got the tag from. They have a Addison Dog special so make sure you click on that to get the discount price of $5.00.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Sorry this link didn't come to you. I'll try again..
    www.puckerbrushengravingandsigns.com I hope this one works.
    You are right with your little girl fells the time is right, she will let you know!! Does she have a name yet?
    I'm glad to hear all is going well with Bryson. It sounds like he is going to do fine. After you gave him the higher dose of Pred did you lower it again? It's my understanding that over dosing is as bad as under dosing.
    Good luck in the next few weeks :-)