Bambi Stahl


Yerington, NV

United States

Profile Information:

Pagosa Springs Colorado
About Me:
I have lived in Nevada since 2000. I am currently going to school to become a vet tech. My fience, Kenny, and I just bought our first corgi. Kenny has always wanted one and we were finally at a point that we could get her. She is a tri colored female and is adorable. Her name is Eina. With her we have a 7 year ols terrier mix, Chooie, that I adopted from a shelter when he was 6 weeks old, and Kennys cat Vega. We have a small but nice house wiith a big yard and our pets are our babies.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have one corgi. Her name is Eina and she is 9 weeks old. She is a tri colored female with perfect marks. We just got her yesterday and she warmed up to us and the surroundings immediately. She has the sweetest temperment and is so smart. She already learned 'sit' after just a few hours with us. She has an older brother named Chooie. He is my 7 year old terrier mix. She really likes toys but her faverite things to play with are sticks that are bigger than her. lol :)
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