Ziska Childs

Profile Information:

Carbondale Colorado
About Me:
I live in Colorado and paint for a living.
About My Corgi(s):
Jinksy- 11, my heart boy at the rainbow bridge
Ginny- sweet sweet Gin at the bridge with Jinksy. rescue from a puppy mill too short a time out of a cage but two years running free and barking on the ranch.
Duff- rescue , 2 years old, a wee little tri who thinks he's the biggest dog in the room.
The non corgi contingent- BB and Luverboy two Hungarian Pulik aka "hellboyz"

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  • Kristen

    I'm so sorry about sweet little Ginny. They don't have to be with us long to steal our hearts and make us more complete people. Such a happy life you gave her. Thank goodness for fuzzy butts! Warm thoughts and sympathy.
  • Butter

    His favourite thing is swimming in the ocean...this isn't practical for us though because it is starting to get cold. What do you mean by heightened sensitivity? What did you do to help? Tx, Joy
  • Butter

    Hi, thanks for explaining all about the personality change. It is hard for us to know because we have only had him a short time. However, I don't think he is going through anything serious. I think he is getting more relaxed with us. When we 1st got him, he was so perfectly well behaved that it was unreal. He was like a little soldier. Now, he is finding his voice and is learning to bark. He still looks at me after he barks to see how I'll respond. It is so cute.
    I am just reading your posts as I am typing and I think that you lost your Ginny. I am so sorry to hear that. Hope you are ok!!! Joy