Sarah Davidson Doty


Knoxville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Nashville, TN
About Me:
Hi! I'm Sarah.
I love dogs. all of them.
But my little Corgi, Weezer, he beats the others.
Send me pics of your pups. I'm gay like that!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hi... my name is Weezer.
I am by far the coolest dog you'll ever meet.
I love my mommy.
I was born on New Year's Eve of 2009.
I am a BIG BOY NOW!!!!
I love my cousin's Bowie and LadyBird (rescue pups)
I like to annoy my 3 cat buddies all the time. But Sunny keeps me in my place. she owns me.
Well, that's about it. i gotta go lick my butt. I'll show yall pics of how handsome i am later!!! -weezer out.
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    HI! I sent you a friend request then I will awnser some of your ?'s!
  • Jane Christensen

    What kind of dog is the big boy????
  • christy fry

    Hi Sarah,
    You should do a blog about your boy Weezer then everyone can read about what a wonderfull boy he is, just remember when your done typing and previewing hit the publish now button =)