Stephanie & Bonnie Fox


Lansing, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Lansing, Michigan
About Me:
I'm a nursing student and work as a nurses aide at the local hospital. I live in downtown Lansing with my boyfriend Andy, our two Alabama cats Kabuki and Mazzy, and of course our beautiful Bonnie.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bonnie is a black tri-color puppy born on Thanksgiving 11/27/08. A handful, she's smart, sweet, and funny. Oh! And can be such a brat! She loves to meet new people, chew, chase and run, play fetch, go for walks, play in the snow. She's just mastered the art of going outside without leash, we're so proud!
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  • Bev Levy

    We will watch the weather for a trail walk! That would be fun but right now the deer flies are pretty bad and they just love the black dogs!
  • Bev Levy

    Hi Stephanie, If it doesn't rain this Saturday I was thinking it would be fun to walk the Lansing area corgis on the trails behind my house. Around 10:30 if anyone is interested. Let me know if you think it is possible for you. Bev, Sparty, and Izzy
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Hi Stephanie, I saw your video of Bonnie and her big blue ball. Our previous corgi loved his, our new ones not at all. I thought they would like it, but no. So I thought our Otto was an oddball until I saw your Bonnie. Must be fun to watch her. It used to tire Otto out. We usually had to hide his ball, because he wouldn't stop. She is very cute. We have a red-head tri, as well as a red. Anyway just stopped by to say hi.