Carrie Ritter


Brentwood, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love my dogs and my horse and my husband
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
2 corgis. Linus (red/white) 3 years old. Had ACL surgery on both legs!!

Sherman (tri color) 1 year old. Fluffy. We just started agility training. He is the most athletic corgi I've ever seen. He loves to sleep on his back too, this dog is always upside down
I have:

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  • Mickey

    Carrie, welcome to the Sacramento group! Love your swimming pics!!

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Well that's lucky!:)

    I do not have a fluff, no-the upkeep is not something I want to deal with haha.. Like you said, normal Corgi fine, fluff a mess!:P

    I'm not fond of brushing because it's so hard to make sure that I get ALL over. I am a clutzy person who isn't much good for taking details in haha.

  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Hi,Carrie,it duplicated Your message.I had that same problem yesterday with the site.We go up to Gualala in Mendocino County for most of Our off the grid time in the Summer.It's a beautiful park right on the river,in the redwoods without cel service,cable etc.Can You believe in Ca no cels??There are still some beaches near Us also that allow dogs off leash.We really loved Out time down in SanDiego where dogs still have alot of off leash places.One of Our friends on here told Us about a few and We found some on the internet.Have fun out there with Your pup.We're heading out Sunday for 4 days!!