Bonnie, Dain, and Rocco

Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We just moved to Atlanta and are looking forward to meeting some new corgi friends here in GA!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Rocco is a tri-colored Pembroke and loves to chew and run around the house. One of his favorite hobbies is to play with Biscuit our grey cat.
I have:

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  • Riley Wilson

    Hi, I have a PWC that I got about a year ago from a breeder in Bowling Green,Ky. I cannot tell you how much I love this dog! Smart, loving and a laugh a minute. I have him in Agility and he is doing great. The youngest in the class, does it all except has just started on the weave, with guides, and is going to master that soon. I cannot say enough good, about the breeder. She loves her dogs and puppies and treats them as family. She has a wonderful farm facility and the dogs are the happiest bunch! She has red tri pups, at this time.
  • Joseph,Lindsay,Pippin

    here is a pic that Lindsay took of Rocco @ the park!!!

  • Joseph,Lindsay,Pippin
