justine moeller




Profile Information:

About Me:
Owner of two corgis, Mickey and Walter.

We also foster and rehome corgis located in Quebec, Canada
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mickey is an 2 year old sable beautiful little boy, with tail intact :) He was rescued from a shelter
Walter is his brother the bad one.

If you are looking to adopt a corgi - please contact me and also check out our facebook group!

I have:

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  • Patricia and corgi Layla

    Hi Justine, thanks for the details.  I would be interested in fostering a corgi until he or she is adopted.  Please keep me posted. Thanks!
  • Judy & Taffy

    Congratulations to you, Walter and Mickey on making it into the 2012 Calendar!!!!

  • Melissa and Franklin!

    Hi Justine, thank you for the offer to help. I actually have worked with and trained (and continue to work with) rescue dogs through volunteer experience and now for the past two years through school. The rescues in our program are often very fearful and we put hours of obedience training and socialization into them each week with both one on one and group training. With my current lifestyle and Franklin's personality, I am just not wanting to put the time into a dog that even with significant training I don't think will ever be suitable for my lifestyle. Truck was just such an anxious, fearful dog, but he was also a couch potato and just couldn't keep up to even close to our normal routine. I found him an excellent home with a quiet owner who works from home and has no other pets and doesn't do more than a couple walks a week. I have a feeling this is going to be a much better situation for Truck. He just doesn't like the hustle and bustle of a busy active lifestyle (which I am coming to find is why the original owners re-homed him in the first place) and he is aggressive towards large dogs and reacts with aggression to situations that make him uncomfortable. Not something I want in a dog, I would rather work with an overly active, untrained dog, than a dog that is mellow and fearful.