Heather Black


Apex, NC

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
New corgi mom to a 6-year-old adorable corgi named Cabo. Also mom to an 11-year-old cat named Finley. They are my "fur-kids" and I'll do anything for them!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
One 6-year-old corgi who had been living on a farm until we adopted him in March 2010. Now he lives a luxurious life in our home and has the joy of having a feline brother named Finley.
I have:

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  • Roger/Laurie

    Hi Heather,

    Did you get my email?  I have been so busy hope I didn't miss something from you

  • Roger/Laurie

    Yes we will be there.  The boys will be getting a bath tomorrow and a good brushing Tenby is in full blown coat blowing mode.  I had abdominal surgery two weeks ago and am not up to 100% speed, but I should be fine.   A lot of sitting and less running around.
  • Roger/Laurie

    Heather great meeting you two at the picnic.  Since we don't have any RSVPs yet what do you think about trying again in the spring?