Banjo and Starbuck


Denver, Colorado

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name's O'Ryan and I'm a corgi nut! Until recently I worked at a dog boutique, but I Ieft to pursue a career in the arts, and to spend quality rime with my husband and our furkids. Banjo and Starbuck are my pride and joy.
About My Corgi(s):
Banjo is a petite red-headed tri-color. She came to work with me for for the first years of her life, so she''s a pretty social girl. She loves to swim, "play" with our cat, take long walks around town. This little girl gets lots of attention! She's loved by her mom and dad and makes friends wherever she goes.
Starbuck is our new addition! She's natural comic relief. She likes playing with Banjo, playing with the kitty, pretty much any kind of playing. She keeps Banjo smiling. We love having another corgi around!

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