

Fort Collins, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Collins Co
About Me:
Hi, I am live in colorado and commute to Wyoming for work. I love running ( charlie hates it!), hiking, reading, and spending time with my little family (my husband Joe and my little tri Charlie!)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi's name is Charlie, and he is now 4 years old! He came to us from south dakota in may of 2007. He is still a mama's boy and is spoiled rotten, like every corgi should be! He loves to go for morning walks, playing with his cong, tug jug and many other toys. There are 2 other corgis on our street that I am sure charlie would love to get to know. He loves people and all other dogs. I would love to get another corgi some day soon, so charlie could have a brother or sister! Also because as they say "you can't just have one!"
I have:

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  • Parker and Barbara

    thank you!
  • Bonny

    Hi! How cool that our pups came from the same breeder! I'm guessing yours has a different dam, being a tri :) I'm SO happy with Elvis...he's just the most fun dog, and has a wonderful, outgoing attitude. Of course, he finds trouble often enough, but he learns quickly, and is a great buddy.

    When we picked him up from the Adams, he had gotten a bath and was sitting in the living room, watching TV (I swear!), and coolly looked over at us when we arrived. Then went back to the TV!! His mama followed us out to the car when we left, and its clear that the family loved raising happy, healthy dogs. It was a wonderful place to be born :)
  • Karen

    Thanks for the comment Kathleen. Your Charlie is very handsome too. He has an adorable smile!