Melissa S.


Ririe, ID

United States

Profile Information:

Born in rexburg, Livin in Ririe, spendin most of my time in IF town tho
About Me:
I am a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and a corgi owner!!!

I was born a country girl, up rooted and moved to the city for most of my younger years!
5 Years ago I married my hubbie and he moved me back to the country. We have a 19 acre farm with a Australian cattle heard called Murray Grey. I have many(4) horses (go figure huh? what corgi parent doesn't lol) and I have 2 children. We adopted my sisters Pannish dog named Laci, she has been a twinkle my kids and I's eye for the past 2-3 years now.
We also have a border collie that my son claims to be his!!

I am a Equitharapy Coordinator for a company who takes care of adults with M.R.(mental retardation) All though stressful, my job tends to be very rewarding!

Some day I will start a breed program, but first I must research and flood myself with every bit of knowledge I can possibly absorb! My thoughts are, if I am going to do it, do it right, and do it well!

If you want to chat, give advice, or ask for some, I am happy to talk, and share!

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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Walker is our first Corgi, and so far he is the light of our life (aside from our 2 children)! Walker was born Feb 27th 2009 and came to live with us April 28th!! and we enjoy him very much! Walker will be competing in agility summer 2010.

Since he came home, our lives feel complete, he fits in with us so well!! In fact, he has warmed our hearts so much, we looked to find another perfect corgi to become a part of our family! And I think we have!! Willow, a R&W joined our family a few weeks ago!! Willow comes to us from CA.
Willow, thus far has been a dream come true! I adore her and every single silly antic she has! Willow has every single thing I wanted when I started my search for "that perfect show pup" she is personality plus, she so far appears to be very attentive, and Willow is also very well built! I cant wait to make our début this summer!
I have:

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  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Walker is a beauty. I love the photos that you've posted. Makes me miss the snow.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Just saw a few photos of Willow, another little beauty. How many months apart are your corgis? Who was the CA breeder? Was Walker from the same breeder?
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    hilarious photo of walker and willow sleeping corgi style in the backseat of your car! obviously i'm viewing your photos as i type.