
54, Female

San Antonio

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX but my heart is still in Tennessee
About Me:
I live in San Antonio and am owned by a 11 year old Jack Russell named Sydnee and a 3 year old PWC (Addie) and 1 year old Australian Shepherd named Sobe. And now a 4 month old PWC puppy named Taylor!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Addie is a BHT who was born on July 5, 2007. Addie competes in agility and has earned the name from all that know and love her as the "Kamikaze Corgi". We have a Youtube channel - - note I am just learning this so videos are raw and unedited.

Introducing Taylor - she is a 4 month old red & white. Taylor has lots of drive and focus. Will start training for agility in a few months.
I have:

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  • Rosie & Sport

    omg. they look so much alike. haha.
    we have some mighty cute pups.
  • Robin Brummel

    Thanks for the add! :) No we didnt go, we had a horse show to go to in Austin, I really wanted to go.... Hope to meet you at my Doggy Play Day Nov 1st. ttyl
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks! I love the costume!! We have been wanting to get to San Antonio. My daughter lives in Austin but it seems like everytime we visit we just want to spend time with the gtrandkids instead of sight see.