Marsha R. Daniel


Wickenburg, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Sullivan, Illinois
About Me:
I have lots of animals on my mini farm which includes dwarf goats, mini horses, a mini donkey, chickens, rabbits, doves, pigeons, canaries, finches, parakeets, love birds, 1 cat, 6 dogs, and more I'm sure.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My girl is a 3 year old brown headed tri. Last Jan. she had 5 beautiful brown headed tri puppies, 1 girl & 4 boys. Raising them wad a blast and we almost increased our pack to 8 dogs. We didn't advertise to sell them and the last 2 boys stayed until they were 10 weeks old. Corgies are probably the smartest dogs we have ever had and those boys knew just how to dig into our hearts to stay forever. I came to my senses just in time to find them new homes where they could find their full potential. Now the question is does Brandi want to do the mother thing again or not? She had fun playing with them. Question for all of you. Do any of your Corgies talk to you? When Brandi wants my attention ( or any of the other dogs' attention) she says wooo in varying tones.
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