Jenny & Bentley


Fort Worth, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Houston, TX
About Me:
I just moved to Fort Worth, TX from Houston, TX and I work in HR. I am a big Texas Tech Red Raider fan and love my lil' Bentley :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi is Bentley and he is 5 years old. He loves to swim and is a talker. He enjoys playing in the monkey grass and meeting new friends. He is a mess sometimes but is the best dog I could ever ask for :)

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers
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  • Ann and Izzy

    Hi, Jenny.  We missed you and Bently at the meetup today.  Hope he is feeling better and gets to come next time!
  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    I came to see how Bentley was too! I am glad he is recovering quickly. We thought about him at the meet-up this morning. He is gonna love being buddies with Pudge. The two of them together are going to steal all of our hearts!! Give him a get well hug for us!
  • Kathy Sanouvong

    Hi Jenny & Bentley!