
, Male

Washington, DC

United States

Profile Information:

Washington, DC; formerly Philadelphia by way of NYC.
About Me:
Formerly owned by a pembroke named Chuck.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Chucky passed in October of 2005. He lived from 20 March 1991 to 23 October 2005 and is still missed by me and his "brother," an abyssinian cat named Leo, who grew up with him.
Leo passed away 14 December 2009. He was 18 years, 9 months old. He had diabetes since 2006.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Kristen

    JC--Welcome to the group. I know how hard it is to lose a friend. I'm still grieving the loss of my Basil. Our other Corgi Lizzie had a hard time witht he loss.as well. Welcome to the site. It has been great fun and I am sure you will enjoy it.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome JC!
  • Mary, Craig and Charlie Brown

    That's really sad that Chucky passed. Its horrible losing a pet. I got Charlie from a breeder, who was a website
    I didn't realise they could have tails either.
    Charlie and Ginger share a kennel as well, they are very cute.