



Profile Information:

About Me:
Building Designer. Corgi Lover. Love to Cook. Corgi Lover. Love to go out. Corgi Lover. Love music and movies. Corgi Lover.....!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Penny is the name of our new little corgi. She was born 4th of Novemeber 2008 and we picked her up from her wonderful breeder in Mt Eliza a day after my 27th birthday in January.

My best friend and boy for life was sadly sent to that big doggy playground in sky in April last year and it took a lot of prompting and prodding from my partner Luc to convince me to get a new pup. And since the moment we laid eyes on the little ball of fluff we knew we had made the right decision.

Penny(whistle) is absolutley amazing. It's such a wonder how dogs can make you feel just by seeing their little smiley face looking up at you and the licks of love! Puppy training is such a change and the amount of pent up energy she has is UN BE LIEVABLE! Compared to my old boy Blackie who was 17 when he passed and not the most active dog in the end...it's crazy trying to keep up with her when she gets her little "turbo" run on. Ears flattened back and low to the ground she charges around the backyard doing loop-dy loops!

Prior to Blackie we had another corgi Pip who I guess was the reason I fell for corgis and their sturdy little statuesqe bodies! Mum and Dad sure did pass their love of corgis down to me :D
I have:

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  • Kylie Chen

    Hi leah! Hows penny doing? Time sure fly! Johnny is now 9 months old now. I am going to upload his latest photos! Hope you all keeping yourselves warm!
  • Potus

    Hi Leah,
    We met at the RSPCA Million Paws Walk at the Lake- my Mum and I had the Corgi roughly the same age as Penny, called Potus.
    It was great to see other people from Ballarat on here!
    How's Penny going?
  • Rachel & Goldie
