


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love corgis very, very much. I teach gifted and academically talented and we formed Canine Commandos. I take two classes to our local shelters and we obedience train dogs to correct their behaviors so as to find forever homes. Visit our website below as you will see Yogi (and our border collie mix, JD).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Yogi passed away June 7, 2009 from Lymphoma. He was only 10 years. He will be missed more than anyone can know. I love my little man.

Mavis is 5 years old and 38 lbs. Not fat, just huge!
Both these babies have been adopted from our local shelters.

Arlo is now 8 months and quite the puppy. Very stubborn and having a difficult time housebreaking the little bugger. Any tips?
I have:

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  • ♥ Kobi, Angel Kazi & Kiya♥

    Thank you for caring :)
  • Staci B & Howie

    I can't come tomorrow afterall! I'm so sorry :( But my boyfriend has been overseas on a work trip for a month and I just found out today that he'll be home tomorrow morning, early. I think some other people are going though so please don't postpone the even on my account. We'll definitely reschedule!
  • Brittany and Todd

    Actually three corgis! Yes, I am in the group and Todd and I will be attending the picnic in November. Your corgi's are beautiful!