Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

Carson City, NV

United States

Profile Information:

Carson City, NV~Monterey, CA~Lodi, CA
About Me:
We love Corgi's. Started with two rescues and now have our first baby!
Tucker Killian Takoda

imikimi - Customize Your World!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have three Pembroke Welsh Corgis. 2 are rescue and we have a 4 month old that is new to the family.

We started with Lodie. He was 15 months when we learned about him. Long story short. A young mother of 3 children had acquired Lodie. She had been living in an apt. and kept Lodie in a very small crate a majority of the day. He was let out to go to the bathroom and eat. Needless to say when I had heard about him and how this girl was looking for a home for him we couldn't resist. I had always wanted a corgi. The moment we had seen him locked in that little crate there was no question that he was coming home with us. He will be four years old on Aug. 20.

Izzy was our second rescue. Izzy was 8 months old when we welcomed her into our home. Izzy had more social issues than Lodie. Her owner's had taken her to the Vet to have her put down...The vet called our local rescue and told them about her. Thank god they did that. She wouldn't be with us today if they would not of made that call. Izzy had and still on occasion has aggression issues. Food was the main factor. We have had her for a year and half now. She is the most loving dog I have ever known. Very affectionate and very protective over our baby Tucker. She has wonderful mother instincts.

Tucker our baby! Wow! We decided we wanted a baby corgi. We fell in love with our rescues and wanted to experience a corgi without embedded issues. We love Lodie and Izzy so much but they were so mistreated. We will have to deal with the embedded issues they acquired from little pups. We hope to do well with Tucker. Obedience, maybe agility, perhaps herding. And of course a lot of love we have to offer him.

Anyone that is able to rescue, whether it is a corgi or any breed is a very rewarding experience. We are so blessed that we were able to give a loving home to Izzy and Lodie. The abuse and neglect they went through before they came to us is so sad. How anyone could hurt such a loving breed is beyond me.
I have:

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  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Hey just wanted to say hi and see how Tucker is doing! Chesney is getting big and is full of spunk! She's a velcro Follows me everywhere!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Your grandbabies are adorable!