Kayla Rae and Rowdy


Woodland Hills, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have loved corgis my whole life. I remember being around 5 years old and picking out our family's first corgi, Cassi. Cassi was the most amazing dog. She was so smart and loving, always herding us kids when we were out of line. She lived 16 wonderful years and has always held a special place in my heart. In the years since, we've had a few other breeds and currently my family has two mini dachshunds and a "Borgi" (border collie-corgi) who are such fun little characters. I recently moved out and have been on the search for a little one of my own for months now. I have looked high and low, near and far, for fluffies, for anything really. I was cruising the websites and saw this picture of a darling little man with a big ol' smile and a familiar face. He looked like my Cassi when she was little. When I clicked on his link, I saw he was located right in my homeotown and immediately sent my parents to check him out for me. I was in love. I couldn't resist and have taken home my first little boy, Rowdy. I know this little boy will fulfill my life and be the best companion. I can't wait to share our adventures with you!

Have a wonderful day!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Rowdy is my little furry monster. Born 11-4-2010.
I have:

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  • Nikki and Luca

    hi there! how are you and rowdy doing? :]

    Hi Kayla and Rowdy-

    Thanks for the welcome.  Rascal certainly is fluffy - he reminds me of my sweet pomeranian that we had years ago.  That dog was an angel and Rascal may just be following in his footsteps - he is very sweet.  We only have him a week but it seems longer because we love having him with us.  We have our own business so he comes to work with us.  My daugher-in-law and son have Rascals brother Mac - he is not a fluffy so it is easy to tell them apart.  They play everyday - they love to be with each other.  I look forward to reading your comments since you have a baby Corgi too.

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!