
, Female

Los Altos, CA

United States

Profile Information:

san francisco bay area
About Me:
I have the one special Kaley Corgi...over 10 parrots, one of which is Rani Macaw, a playmate of Kaley Corgi, a uromastyx, one turtle and two tortoise, and a boyfriend, along with a new baby jake. Did i forget anyone??

I have my flickr site that has over 2 thousand pics, many of them of Kaley corgi with her animal siblings.

I started a youtube group that has over a hundred corgi videos... come and add yours.

Kaley corgi has her own dogster webpage., which of course I help her maintain.

and her own corgi group, on dogster...Club Corgi that has over a thousand corgi kid members which even though she is the administer, I am her assistant!

Kaley corgi and I write on our
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
She is a fluffy corgi, 8 years old, a true corgi, sweet, loving, willful, sneaky, adorable, and spoiled. She wants to be alpha, but her mum is always on guard!.

She loves her tummy rubbed and to sit on daddy or mummy's lap, no matter if they are busy working at the computer....I told you, she is spoiled, but it is all fine with her mum and dad!

She has been in obedience classes all the way up to show obedience, but no titles (a new born baby came).

Kaley corgi loves agility and she and I hope to start competing with her next year.

For all her happenings, come by her dogster page...she has her photos, her diary, videos....and over a thousand pals, most of them corgis.

I have:

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  • Cindi & Twinkie

    What a busy corgi! I love that Kaley is involved in so many fun activities and you still have time for human kids. Twinkie is a fluff too. I was going to be totally improper and ask what Kaley weighs but I can tell from her pics that she is more svelt that our Twink. Thanks for your updates on all of the fun in your corgi world!
  • Jill M

    Love the Coegi and Macaw photos...we had a Solomon Island Male Eclectus once who played with our fluff and used to command her in my voice!! Unforunately, he died of liver problems. (when we adopted him he was sick) If they had perfected liver transplants in birds, we would have done it in a heartbeat.........We too have reptiles. So, you house sounds a lot like our house. glad to see we're not the only "crazy" animal people around.
  • Beth

    Love your video of Kaley frapping in the ring. It cracks me up every time. I first saw it on YouTube, long before I found this site. The breeder where we got Jack cautioned me that Corgis are not the best obedience dogs. She said they'd have a near perfect score one day, then get dq'd out of the ring the next. LOL, that's sure the truth! Love your dog.