Sara, Angus and Potatoes


Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
new corgi owners who love the breed now. I'm sold on their cute faces and sweet loving nature. We love going camping with our Angus (our only child/corgi)

Big News in for our family. Its growing, and we finally got a new baby Sable Corgi. Now we have a Sable and white Pembroke Corgi and a tricolor cardigan. What more can a momma want?
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Angus is a sweet coward and homebody. He loves hiding under chairs and trying to become a pillow in the couch. He loves nothing but pig ears, peanut butter, cream cheese and milk bones. My little boy's favorite thing to do is snuggle on the bed in front of the fan while getting his belly rubbed. We joke that he is an old man in a young pup's body.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    I didn't know you got a new pup!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't wait to meet your new little guy! How is Angus taking to his new brother? Maybe we can have a mini meetup on the 30th at Bill Archer Park. I hope you have fun camping this weekend!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    So sorry for the much delayed welcome wagon!  We are glad you could join us on this Corgi corner of the internet!  We love Angus & Potatoes and are so glad Potatoes is helping Angus come out of his shell!