Laura and Maggie Moo


Grand Rapids, MI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
A new owner of a pembroke corgi. Loving every minute of it. Typical family life keeps us busy. We have two daughters 8 and 4 and of course our newest corgi daughter. I have wanted a Corgi since I was young--they were in one of my favorite books! We have one other 17 yr old dog (a lab mix) and a cat. I would love to get a Cardigan Corgi as well, but we need to wait until we have more space :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
we adopted Maggie when she was 5months old (she is now almost 7months) from a family who found they did not have the time to properly care for her. She came to us house broken but lacking socialization with anything having to do with the outside world. We are working hard to accustom her to as much as possible and make up for lost time! She is VERY active, loves to run and fetch, and of course herd our two girls. Somehow in the last month one of her ears has "flopped" over adding to her charm. Maggie is our first Corgi.
I have:

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  • ♥Deborah

                                  ...and Deborah too! Well, not so much "a welcome", but more of a "hello!" I saw you Corgi pic and popped in to your page...and I see you are from GR!!! Awesome! I live about 45 miles north of GR, up by Howard City! I've been looking for other Corgi owners who might be nearby. Maggie is adorable! Do you get together with other Corgi people in this area? I would be very interested in corgi events in the GR area...Nice to meet you!!! :)

  • Stephanie Sebright

    For some reason it won't let me reply to your message in my inbox.

    It looks like it is going to rain on Sunday.  I hope it doesn't so we can all meet up.

    Lori Fouch is going to have another litter of corgis.  We left a message with her to see when they will be born.  Maybe you can get a little friend for Maggie!  LOL

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    awww, how fun your corgi enjoys swimming in the water!!  Congrats on adopting Maggie, shes such a cutie. We just adopted Tucker (red and white pem) about 3 months ago, (June 6th to be exact).  Our cardigan (Lance) we have had since he was 14 weeks old, and never has had the opportunity to go swimming, we are going to have to change that this summer and let both dogs go for a swim!