Ziggy,Tequila and Sambuca


Miami Shores, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Miami Shores, FL
About Me:
My name is Sonja, I am a Corgi lover for many years. I have two great Corgis, they are my joy when I come home from work they are truly velcro dogs. They follow me all over the house and love to be next to me at all times.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
SAMBUCA I had Sambuca for 13 years. Last April she went to sit next to God in heaven. She will always be in my heart,because she was true Corgi; loyal,lovable and fun.She did service at the nursing homes,went to work with me, and was always there ready for a belly rub.I can not remove her from my page, because she is next to me everyday.

ZIGGY He is my 4 year old male. My son and I bought him as a gift for my friend Matthew and his corgi Bart. I was suppose to train him and give Ziggy to him. Well Matthew knew better.He knew that I was going to fall in love with the puppy and was not going to be able to give him up. No hard feelings, Ziggy goes to play with Bart and is my star. He is a true Corgi a bundle of energy, loves to play ball and herds me around the house. Sleep time is as close as he can get to me.
I have:

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  • Sam Tsang

  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Hello new friend!! Welcome!
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Hello Sanja! How is Ziggy? :) Would really love to see some more pictures of him! <3 Hope you are all well.