

Lincoln, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Brooklyn, NY
About Me:
My name's Denise and I'm a first time dog owner. I know nothing, so I'm on here to make friends, look at fun photos, and learn about what I can expect for my new baby girl!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bindi = A bindi (from Sanskrit bindu, meaning "a drop, small particle, dot") is a forehead decoration worn in South Asia (particularly India) and Southeast Asia. Traditionally it is a dot of red color applied in the center of the forehead close to the eyebrows, but it can also consist of a sign or piece of jewelry worn at this location.

Bindi was born 8/26/08 and came home 11/1/08.
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  • LaVerne & Shirley

    I like the petite ones. In fact I was hoping LaVerne would be on the small side. The first Corgi I ever met was a petite girl. They said she would be around 18 lbs full grown and I thought she was the most incredible dog I had ever seen. Then LaVerne came along.....and the rest is history. :-)
  • David & Robin Fritz

    Your dog is a carbon copy of ours. She's 18lbs and almost a year old. She's a naughty girl if she doesn't get her exersise. Does you dog jump on furnature like a cat? Chloe thinks she is a circus dog.
  • Em, M, and Win
