Kris & Reaghan


Idaho Falls, ID

United States

Profile Information:

Idaho Falls
About Me:
I've been around dogs, horses and cows all my life.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Reaghan was born April 9, 2009, and came home on June 5th. She is a major water enthusiust already, and loves to walk the river. She is AKC registered. Her latest accomplishments has been mastering the tricks of: Dead dog, Roll over, High five, Shake left or right, Sneak, and Spin. Useless things to be taught, but so fun to watch her do! She's very spoiled and very loved!!! :)
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  • Angel, Holly, & Mere

    corgi christmas shopping!! :)
  • Angel, Holly, & Mere

    oh of course! i'm right there with ya :)
  • Snickmom

    congrats on your twins. Zoran is adorable. He looks tiny, how much did he weigh when he was born?