



Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a Computer Animator, who loves her dog and going with him to the dog park.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
1 welsh corgi, male, name:Picasso. He loves the dog park, digging holes, and eating ice cubes.
I have:

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  • Crystal Haslip

    Hi Kasha,

    It's great to hear that there are other corgis near by. I think it would be a great idea if Picasso and Maggie could meet. We have yet to see Maggie interact with another Crogi and would love to see the result as my husband and I would love to add another to our pem to our family. Let me know when you will be in the area next and we can try to meet.
  • Daniel M

    Would you be interested in a corgi meetup?
  • Daniel M

    That would be great. So far we will probably have 4 corgis including picasso. If you know anyone else let me know!