

Dickinson, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We are proud owners of two beautiful Corgies. John does work for an oil company and I am currently going back to school to become a registered nurse.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Amazing Grace (Maizy) was born April 1, 2008 (April Fools Day). She at first was a little timid dog, and her mannerisms were typical girly-girl. Her fur was so soft; you just loved to hold her. She is still a little on the shy side, but continues to makes me so happy. But then I would expect no less from someone I call "Sunshine."

And just recently, we added another member to our family, Brigidier General Armour (Brodie), who was born January 22, 2009. He a true darling. Typical boy, fearless when jumpng from couches and or when he wants his way. Right now, when we don't pick him up quickly enough, he will howl like a ltttle wolf. That is a funny sight to see!
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  • Corgis and Jess

    Hi Norma:  You are right.  Jake was not happy on his birthday but the hat wasn't the reason.  He was not feeling well.  He went off his food for about 4 days and was very quiet.  I called the breeder and she seemed to think he might have a stomach upset so she told me to put him on a bland diet of rice & chicken broth for a few days.  I did that and mixed in some cooked carrots and a bit of chicken and he wolfed it down.  He finally is back to his crazy self now and is eating his dog food again.  Whew!! That was a scare I didn't need.  I love that dog way too much.
  • Corgis and Jess

    By the way Norma, your Corgis are very cute.