
43, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Marietta, Ohio
About Me:
I'm 28 years old. My husband, James, is in the Air Force stationed in San Antonio. We lived in Yokota Japan for 6 years before we moved here. We been here almost 4 now. We got both corgis while we've been here (they were born near San Antonio in Florisville) and once he retires I want to have a lot of space and have maybe 6 of them. I think that would be great! I love these dogs like they're my kids. We go to Gateway church and we think it's such a great little church everyone should go once. :) I like to read (total bookworm), watch movies, knit, walk the dogs, play board games, some Wii games, and have a great Bible study on Monday nights. Right now I'm getting back into cooking and different recipes-it's hard because James is so darn picky! I also like to clean believe it or not-weird hobby but it's kind of relaxing for me. No kids-I'm sure constantly cleaning after kids I wouldn't find so relaxing though. lol! We love to see new places especially if we can take the dogs with us. We also have a couple of cats born in Japan we brought back with us but they're almost 10 and sleep 95% of the time. Totally normal, down to earth and almost boring but that's our life. I love it!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Both were born in Florisville right outside of San Antonio. Einstein is the oldest being born Sept. 2005 and our first corgi. He's the smartest little dog I know and he's gotten so much more laid back now that he's not a puppy-although still not one to snuggle for long. He has shorter fur than Daisy but sheds twice as much. Daisy was born March 2007 and she loves her Einstein more than anyone. She waits to see what he does first unless it has to do with getting food or attention-she can figure out that much! They both have the same mother. We never got to meet Einstein's father-he was hit by a car out in the country before he was born. Daisy's father was very excited and barky when we met him. He was a tri color and their mother is sable and white. Most of her black fur fell out now that she's an adult. She is very vocal and growls a LOT although she does nothing to back up all that noise. They're both bossy little dogs. My mom calls Einstein the referee because when something is happening he doesn't approve of he thinks he has to break it up-especially if Daisy is having too much fun. I wouldn't have any other kind of dog-their little personalities are just too funny! Well, maybe a cardigan one day. They're a little more laid back I hear.
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  • Ein Danger

    hey guys, it was great meeting everyone today :) ein and i had the best time. we must definitely do it again!
  • Ein Danger

    great pics! the ones of ein are hilarious. especially the one where his tongue looks like a big whoosh.
  • Ein Danger

    Hey guys! Just a little heads up but we're gonna have a small shin-dig for Ein Sunday (Oct. 4) from 4-7 p.m. at our home (near Bandera & 1604). It'll be another Corgi meet-up as well :) So if you're not busy, please do stop by. If interested let me know and I'll be sure to send you our address :)