Monica Ucchino


Liverpool, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a teacher at a daycare.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi her name is Sadie. She loves people, loves other dogs.
I have:

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  • susieq59

    Hi Monica,

    I'm from Syracuse area.  I see you are from Liverpool?  Do you take your pretty Sadie to the dog park in Liverpool?


  • susieq59

    Hi Monica!  Yes, I hear you with it being a rough start.  I never owned any kind of dog before and there was a lot of adjusting to do but I love my bumble, Oliver and he's the greatest dog!  So smart, funny and adorable!  He still barks all the way to the daycare but I got a lot of good advice and comments from the corgi owners at this site and you will find this site very, very helpful!  I love your Sadie!  She's a cutie!  I have been to the dog park in Liverpool.  I plan on taking Oliver there again!  He loved it.  He is a very social dog and ran around with two greyhounds while there.  It was fun seeing him try to keep up with those two dogs with his little legs!  We should meet up there one day!  It was funny the day we went, as we were leaving we saw a woman with a Cardigan arriving.  Her dog didn't look like Sadie though.  Send me a message and maybe we could have our two dogs meet up there one Saturday or Sunday!  Welcome back!!!  We will definitely have to compare notes!!

  • Lois B. Allen

    Your baby is such a cutie.  I know you love her.