Avey & Zeke


Mankato, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love my Corgi!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Zeke, born 3/30/13.
I have:

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  • Kelly J

    we were there in February to pick him up, so some of those roads are not really roads in the winter as they appear to be on google maps!  Our 4 year old son was with us and is an animal nut so she showed us all the animals and she had baby goats at the time so we went in and saw them too. When you pulled up were you greeted by the pack of free range corgi's?

  • Kelly J

    I saw the frenchies, and I had thought they were cute in the past, but I dont think the males stay as cute if you let them be breeders or something. I think they were a little envious of the free range corgi's

  • Kelly J

    Surprised that she has them if you have to go through all that to get puppies! 

    How much does your pup weigh now? Murray is 7 months on the 27th and is about 32 lbs now. He hit a grew alot around 5 months.