
Profile Information:

Bradenton, Fl
About Me:
I am 27 years old and live in Bradenton. I am a born and raised Florida girl who loves to travel, relax on the beach, go on outdoor adventures, spend time with family and friends, and of course hang out with my two adorable Corgis!
About My Corgi(s):
My biggest weakness in this world is for my four-legged kids! I have two adorable Corgis and one crazy orange tabby. Yogi Bear, my tri-color Pembroke, was a surprise Christmas puppy in 2001. It was love at first sight. He was the goofiest, pokey little puppy ever. When walking him as a pup, he would stretch his hind legs out and slid down the dewy, grassy hill on the side of our house like a child on the playground slide. While Yogi spends most of his lazy days moseying along, he becomes the ultimate herder at my parents and is intent on rallying up my Mom’s black lab mixes. His herding insanity has earned him the “napoleon complex” label. Maybe he thinks they are black sheep? :) Yogi has the most expressive looks. I can’t help but giggle when he cocks his head with those big oversized ears as if I’ve just said the most interesting thing he has ever heard!

In 2005 my orange tabby, Rylie and red Pembroke, Chloe came along. At first Yogi Bear was a little put out that I would even dream of bringing other animals into the house, but he soon adjusted and the three of them became the best of friends. I’ve enjoyed hours of entertainment watching the frapping (FRAP-Frenetic Random Acts of Play) sessions and figure eights the three of them would make around the house. Surprisingly enough, it’s usually the tabby chasing the Corgis!

Chloe is affectionately known as Chlo-Pot and even has her own song… “I’m a little Chlo-Pot short and stout….” Okay so you get the jist. :) Chloe is my baby girl and is always ready for action. She loves to play tug and fetch, and would chew/dig a hole to China if she could! She is a princess who loves attention but grunts like a hog. She is also known as the “Kissy Girl” because of her never ending kisses the minute you walk into the door! Most importantly, she is my always alert navigator, stretching her little body across the back seat to the center consol of my jeep. I can’t imagine how I possibly got to places before she came along!

Most of my Sunday afternoons are spent at the dog park with the two low-riders. They are both such a joy in my life and I cannot imagine walking through the house without the shuffling of little Corgi feet behind me. A dog’s love is unconditional and the best medicine in the world. It doesn’t matter what is going on in my life, there is nothing like a Corgi hug at the end of a long day.

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  • Rose and Teegan

    It was good meeting you!! We will have to get together some time and let the dogs play!!!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Your babies are beautiful. We live in deland, florida. I have had my little boy for 3 years.. I just love him.. although sometimes he is stubborn. But (my fault) very spoiled. My daughter (who is 28) is getting his nephew on Oct. 3rd. He is a sable puppy that is precious named "Yogi".. I think that is a very cute name. I am taking off work a few days Oct. 7 - 13 to keep Yogi with Gizmo and hopefully Gizmo will adjust to his little nephew in the family.. Yogi won't live with us.. but he will be coming to Grandma's alot. Any suggestions on how to socilize them.. loved your pictures. Gail.
  • Adam & Brittany

    A few of us are getting together at 17th Street Park in Sarasota on October 18th at 1pm if you would like to join us :)