Linda Baker

Profile Information:

atlanta, ga
About Me:
I am married with 2 grown sons. I love my dogs!!!! ( and my husband and sons). I love to be in the woods or just outside. This is my second sign up.( I was unable to get the first sign in back up when I originally joined.)
About My Corgi(s):
I have 1 cardigan-abby, 2 pembrokes-Teddy Bear and Dixie bell aka stinker bell--they have the same parents but are 14 months apart, and I also have a wonderful old girl Taylor who is a skye terrier. I love trhem all!@!!!

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  • Heather

    Hi Linda! How cool - another Faeriesteed! We absolutely ADORE Robin and Danny and are so lucky to have found them. Abby is a darling, and I remember when her litter was born (I think)...we went down to meet Mac at a dog show in Virginia around Memorial Day, but Robin's sister Debbie was on "puppy duty"! Yes, Mac is named after the computer...Colin, my boyfriend, is an engineer, and we are BIG Mac people. If you haven't read, Mac's registered name is "Faeriesteed Think Different" ;) Hope to hear more from you soon!
  • Heather

    We know Mac's name so well because we had a big say in choosing a matter of fact, because circumstances united us when he was so young, he's been "Mac" from almost day one! Long before our puppy search even began, we knew we would name a boy dog "Mac" and a girl dog "Apple" if that's what we wound up with. So when photos of the little one-week-old boy wound up in my e-mail inbox, the question right after what kind of temperament his parents had and all the usual stuff about health testing was, "Does he look like a Mac?" I think he does ;) Wish you weren't so far away - it would be great to get the two Faeriesteeds together!
  • Heather

    Mac's dad is Ch. 3B's Everybody's Faerie Tail; his call name is "Mickey." Sound familiar? I can check with Robin or Debbie to see how Mac and Abby might be related. If you want to check it out, is how I know Debbie, I'm sure she would think it fun to hear from you too :)

    Mac is definitely a gleeful guy -but no sprains or vet visits yet! Make sure that Abby has a very happy birthday...I don't have many photos of it up here, but we had a small party for Mac with some of his friends back in March :)