

United States

Profile Information:

Sacramento, CA
About Me:
My boyfriend and I are 20-something year olds, born and raised in Hawaii, went off to college and somehow found our way to Sacramento. We love our little boy and hope to be awesome corgi-parents to Kuma.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kuma, born April 12, 2008 is an affectionate, people-loving and laid back little boy. His name was "Bear", given by his breeder. We didn't want to change it, but felt Bear was not quite right... we went with our Japanese heritage and chose Kuma (bear in Japanese). We call him "Kuma Bear"... which in translation is really Bear Bear.
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    Hi there! Thanks for the response! Happy birthday Kuma! We would love to meet with you guys. We are here at Sacramento until next week. If you guys are free anytime this week, kindly let us know. Hope to see you guys soon!
  • Emma

    Wow. They are so similiar. It's good to see older pictures of him. I need to update this with some more current ones of Bailey..whose full name is actually Bailey Bear, which we had picked out before we knew what Linda and Scott had named the litter originally, so she still carries around a part of her brother! He is so cute!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Kuma-kun is sooo cute! I saw in a past post that you mentioned a book at Barnes and Nobles with dog recipes. Do you happen to know what it is called? I'm interested in finding it myself. Thank you very much!