
Prescott, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I moved to Prescott, AZ about 5 years ago to study Aeronautical Science. Currently, I am working on my Masters of Science in Safety Science. I work as a teachers assistant while I get through the Masters program.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pa'ani is 3 years old and a little chubby (even though we walk him everyday!). He enjoys eating, sleeping, waking me up with his snoring and of course his rope toy. I love taking care of him and am truly blessed that I get to wake up to a snoring corgi every morning!
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  • Aber, Ragnar and Kelso

    It is old Norse for "judgement warrior". We named him that for the legendary viking Ragnar Lodbrook ("hairy breeks") because we like the viking thing, and for Ragnar Danneskjold, a character in Atlas Shrugged, my favorite book.

    What about Pa'ani? Sounds native american or hawaiian maybe? (and I guessed Hawaiian BEFORE I remembered to read your profile, lol)
  • Aber, Ragnar and Kelso

    That's cool! I tried to find a Welsh word that meant something good, but they're mostly unpronounceable or just don't sound good. For instance, calling him "blue" in Welsh might have been cool. But the word is "glas". Not really something I see myself calling my dog :)
  • EvilTwin

    Hi Pa'ani!! From Miss Twinkie and Lilly Munster in sunny Las Vegas!!