Michelle K. Silver

53, Female

Window Rock, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Window Rock, Arizona
About Me:
In the spring of 2006, My husband and I became first time Corgi owners and we're thinking of getting another one soon. I'm a Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician and I'm a recent Bachelor of University Studies graduate from the University of New Mexico. My husband is a consulting civil engineer and owns Bighorse Engineering in St. Michaels, AZ. My other fur baby is my 6-year old Queensland Blue Heeler, "Jed." Also, we have two roping horses Dots and Spanky.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I purchased my Pembroke Welsh Corgi pup from a breeder from Mancos, Colorado. Corky was born on March 1, 2006. Corky is a purebred red & white color Corgi. I think Corky is the only Pembroke Welsh Corgi representing the Navajo Nation because I haven't seen any other Corgi around on the Rez and people would ask, "What kind of dog/breed is he?"
I have:

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  • Mike and Tabby

    Thank you for the welcome. It is nice to meet another Arizonan. Your baby is adorable. I love the baby pics.
  • Stephanie

    Corky is adorable. I love the one of him sitting in the snow. Maybe one time on our drive up to Colorado we will have to plan a doggy play date. :)
  • Chris