Jocelyn Barcilon


Boulder, CO

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I had to temporarily leave my Pembroke Corgi in Alabama with friends while I look for work and a pet friendly place to live here in Boulder, CO.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sunny Bunny is 12 years old and I miss him terribly. Sunny is a little man in a dog suit and has an adorable personality. I am sure he misses me and Bazil the cat. I also had to leave Bazil behind with another friend so I am sure he is also missing the Maine Coone cat!
I have:

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  • Anne Adele

    Hi Jocelyn, Ellen is out all day today and has her final tonight. When she returns I'll ask her if tomorrow is a good time. Take care
  • Anne Adele

    Hi Jocelyn,
    Does 6:00 this evening work for you? If so, email me at and I'll send you the directions from Boulder.
    Take care, Anne
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. Sorry for the late response but Christmas got overwhelming w/the holiday, 2 litters and then I became sick. Anyways...I almost wasn't going to do what I do for that very reason. I balled my eyes out with every pup that left and worried about them til I was sick to my stomach. But after the first litter I saw they do well when you place them in the right homes. When you get people you connect with and have a desire to be great loving and dedicated makes it easier to let them go. I keep intouch with many of them and even made friendships with most of them.

    As far as the hair. Keep them clean...need to keep the skin healthy. Proper nutrition and regular brushing. I don't bathe mine a lot but I do hose them and towel dry then brush them using a shedding comb, slicker, and then a bristle brush. I will use coat sprays that aid in keeping the coat slick and smooth and repels dirt. They all live in the house with me so managing cleanliness is easier. I have 7 adult Low Riders that are mine to keep. 2 males and 5 females along with a rescue that is part chow. Over Christmas I had 11 pups included in that equation. It was tough and won't be doing that again. lol