Karen S. Yukawa


San Pedro

United States

Profile Information:

San Pedro
About Me:
I am a single female and first time owner of a corgi.
I work full time and share responsibility of Opie's care with my retired boyfriend, who keeps Opie during the week.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Opie was a rescue from SACR and came into my life at the age of 7. He is now almost 12 years old and has been afflicted with DM for about 18 months.
I have:

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  • Ray Lee

    Opie has such a lovely face!!!
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    hope to see you and Opie at the Corgi meet this year!
  • Lois B. Allen

    Happy birthday Karen,  Your dog is beautiful.  Have you ever heard of Ashwagandha?  It is an herb of east "Indian" herbal medicine.  It helps repair nerve tissue.  You might research it on www.lef.org and see what you think.  It doesn't cost much and you could try it for him.  The kind that says Sensoril has been used in human and is processed in a manner that is beneficial.