Ray Johnson


Manitowoc, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Manitowoc Wis.
About Me:
We have 3 pembroke welsh corgi's, 2 were rescued. they are by far the best dogs ive ever had the privlage of owning.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
TIGGY- (rescued from a shelter when she was 5 yrs old )now 7rs old. HOW can enyone give up such a sweet dog, and tell the shelter bad things, which she has never displade. We are lucky to have her.
FIDGET- 4yrs old now, was our 1st corgi, purchased from a respected breeder in missori. never seen a dog with so much energy, and personality, she thinks she's a big dog, she will pout! and snub you when you scold her
KIW- our 2nd rescue came to us last year by accident while living in florida, she was found wandering and brought to us until her parents could be located, when they came for her, they asked us if we wanted her. Very hard to say no when all played so well together. they have changed our lives for the better, its nice to be part of a group of Corgi lovers, 6 years ago, i'd never heard of a Corgi, what an education its been.
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    Congratulations on your marriage:)

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Congratulations on your marriage. Quite a lovely Thanksgiving gift!


    Jack & I "celebrated" our 38th anniversary Nov. 18th. Had my dgt. not phoned to wish us a happy anniversary, we totally would have missed it!

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Since you both are "loving everything corgi in wisconsin" then you should definitely check out "Cheesehead Corgis." http://www.mycorgi.com/group/cheeseheadcorgis

    "A group for Corgi owners, future Corgi owners, and lovers of the breed who live in Wisconsin. All Corgis, whether purebred or mixed, are welcome!"