

leesville, LA

United States

Profile Information:

Leesville, LA
About Me:
Making this page just because my little Cole is a perfect dog. Growing to two little Cardis, Cole and Misti, new pictures to come.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cole is my cardigan. He joined me here in Leesville, as I am stationed at Fort Polk, LA. It isn't easy to have my corgis but we manage and love to go out and play and meet new people. Please let me know functions not too far away to take my pups to.
I have:

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  • Liz Hart

    Happy Birthday!!! I am new and trying to make new friends. Have a great birthday!
  • Tre' Gaither

    I am trying to organize a Corgi get together this Sunday, August 29 from 4-6pm at the Pooch Playground Dog Park (at Pizzuro Park) in Gahanna

    Pooch Playground Dog Park (at Pizzuro Park)
    940 Pizzuro Parkway (off South Hamilton Road)
    Gahanna, OH

    Hope that you and Cole might be able to make it.
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    Hello Brian! I was looking at the photos you have posted of your Cole and he is absolutely adorable! What beautiful coloring he has and he seems to be an incredible pup to have all around. I'm glad he has a great friend in Blue. Give them a belly rub for Alwyn and I!