Deb & Terry

Profile Information:

Jupiter, Fl
About Me:
Deb - legal assistant; Terry - engineer. Two children, one in Atlanta working and one in Boston going to college. Seasonal - winter in FLa and summer in SW PA.
About My Corgi(s):
We have Charley and Corki. Charley is a black and white male Cardigan about 6 years old who came in as a puppy we bought for our 30th anniversary and is a real joy - very smart and inquisitive. Corki, a male Pembroke, is a "rescue" - we took in from a woman who had 4 kids under 5 - the youngest of which was a babe in arms. Corki is about 8 now and was about 2 when he came into our home. He has some "issues" but we have done our best to make him feel at home and though I know he tries not to, sometimes the old Corki comes out. When he came in his name was Mr. Corgee - so we renamed him Corki - figuring it wouldn't be as traumatic as trying to radically change his namei. Had I known then what I know now I would have called him Gallahad because he is my knight. Never leaves my side or sight when I'm at home, and very protective of me. Until this past October - we had three - my baby girl Rocki, a Pembroke, passed away in October from the kidney disease she contracted when she got Lyme disease several years ago. She was a very special girl and we all miss her terribly.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Deb and Terry! Jupiter is not too far from us :)
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! I'm sorry at your loss of Rocki - she's probably playing with our cat Sticky over on the other side of Rainbow Bridge. Looking forward to seeing pictures of Charley and Corki. Moonmystic and I know about corgis with "issues" since we have 2 that have issues. We've had Dundee for almost 1.5 years now and come a very long way from when we first got him. Rudy our latest rescue is making very small baby step type progress. However it is progress nonetheless.
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! I'm sorry for your loss of Rocki. It's always so heartwrenching when we lose one of our babies. But we're glad you and Charley and Corki are here.