Kari & Quin


Sahuarita, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a watercolor artist although i do a lot of other stuff also such as graphic work for my church. My husband and i have been married for 28 years and have 2 grown boys. So it was time to get a new baby to keep me company so we got a puppy=)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Quin was born on Nov 5 2009. She is a red and white, sable fluff with a white blaze on her head. I waited a year for a puppy. Her name is for one of my fav watercolor colors Quinacridone gold. She is becoming a wonderful companion.
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  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

    hi there , yes i use to watercolor , i took 5yrs of lessons and then my daughter had a baby 8 yrs ago and needed me to help her with child care , so i put my painting on hold... needless to say i have not had much time to paint with my two corgis ..so maybe one day ill get back into it.. i still have all my supplies..

    I use to love to use the watercolor crayons!

     your puppy is gorgeous...


  • John Wolff


    On the basis of this summer's experience, I am endorsing the Chillybuddy (TM) dog cooling vest.  I got ours from Clean Run.  It's important to keep it wet for evaporative cooling -- keep it in a plastic bag, add the dog's leftover drinking water.

    The medium size works.  I might order a custom size -- medium long.  Al wore his quite a bit in challenging terrain over Labor Day, including steep, thick bushwhacking.

    I actually think it helped.  Since Quin's a light fawn color, the effect might not be as great.  Al & Gwynnie are black-backed tris; their backs get HOT in the sun!


  • Emily & Cooper

    Quin, is a fluffy! Oh, how adorable! I got my pup from eastern Texas from a breeder named Nancy Kretschmer.  South of Tuscon aye, well I live right near Sierra Vista about 45 minutes south of Tuscon. I have actually been to Coronado for an emergency with my Aussie. I just moved here this year so I don't know many people, but I am looking for kindred dog lovers! My only friend so far has Cavaliers and we are looking to get into the dog community. It is so nice to meet fellow corgi lovers. In my opinion, there is no other dog like the Corgi. =)