Gary, Jackson, and Ollie


Long Beach, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Long Beach
About Me:
I am a first time dog owner, and Jackson is making me so exhausted chasing, training, and picking up his poop :(. But its ok, I love my boy and he will grow up to be a fine dog!

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hi my name is Jackson and I was only 2 month old when my mommy and daddy got me. I'm so busy getting my paws wet, learning new things about the world around me. I love to dart around and chase my reflection in the mirror. When I'm not chasing my own tail, I'm chewing on my squeaky carrot or rope toys. I can't wait until I get to be a little bigger so I can join my Daddy on morning walks at the beach!
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