
36, Female

Edison, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I LOVE CORGIS!! Obviously =] I am a full time Pharmacy Technician as well as full time corgi lover.

I enjoy spending time with my corgis -- we go hiking, to the dog park, the beach, CAMP UNLEASHED! -- you name it, we're in!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lola: is a red & white Pembroke. She was born 6-28-2006 and is my "heart" dog. I got her when she was 8 weeks old. She is my first corgi (and first dog raising as an "adult"), she taught me tons about dogs and about myself. Lola got her CGC in September 2008. She is also a Therapy Dog. She does a little backyard agility, but mostly the jumps and the tunnels. She has one blue eye, one brown eye, and is my BFF.

Lily: is a little "red-headed" tri-color corgi, and my second corgi. She is soo tiny.. she basically stopped growing, and I don't mind lol. Her birthday is 1-4-2009. She is so unique in her markings, as half of her face is completely white. Lily is truly is the coolest little corgi and loves agility -- she's a natural! She enjoys frisbee, swimming and hiking and is hilarious to watch in action.
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